
Alix Eynaudi (FR/AT)

is a French choreographer & dancer living in Vienna whose work is situated within the field of expanded choreography. Her projects explore different formats of making work public, such as publications, salons of collective studies and performances. She has worked as a dancer and performer for a number of companies and projects (AT de Keersmaeker, J. Lacey, A. Juren, B. Charmatz, E. Ward) and develops her own work since 2005. Her most recent works are Noa & Snow, BRUNO and Institute of Rest(s).
Basking in dance as a space of study Alix dances, works, writes, between craft and chaos in a joyful mess of sorts. She doesn’t work alone; any event, research, invitation is an alibi to spend time with accomplices, a mesh of friendships scintillating under skins, a stirring of a full-of-wonder support.

OPEN CALL // Artistic Research Through Slippery Time(s)

SCHULE@Im_flieger 2025 with Elizabeth Ward // Performativity and the openings, gaps, and crannies to be found through performance practices

17 March – 7 December 2025
Deadline: 1 October 2024

SCHULE@Im_flieger 2025

Artistic Research Through Slippery Time(s)
Performativity and the openings, gaps, and crannies to be found through performance practices

17 March – 7 December 2025

Click here for the OPEN CALL (Deadline: 1 October 2025)