born 1986 in Graz, has been working as a freelance artist in the fields of performance, music and directing since 2009. To date, she has founded two performing arts collectives: ROSIDANT Collective in Vienna in 2009 and BILOURA Intercultural Arts Collective in Italy in 2013, with which she has created around twenty performances and artistic projects and traveled the world over the past 10 years. In 2011, she won the Jungwild Prize as the best newcomer group for the performance Traum (a) in Rosa with ROSIDANT. In 2017 she received the Startstipendium für Darstellende Kunst from the Austrian Ministry of Arts and Culture for the project 5 VOICES FOR 1. 2018 collaboration of BILOURA with Good Chance Theatre London for the project ODI in Paris. Most recently, she worked as a dramaturge and performer in Vienna and made her debut at Tanzquartier Wien on February 22, 2020 with the performance “Wer Will Kann Gehen” by Barbara Kraus.