
Biba Bell (US)

is a dancer, choreographer, and writer based in Detroit. Her choreographic work, often set in unconventional venues, focuses on domesticity, labor, and architecture. Her current project investigates dance and arts activism as it intersects forest protection and conservation, through the lens of what she theorizes as epiphytic choreographies. Bell’s work has been presented at the Kitchen, Movement Research, Roulette Intermedium, Jack NY, Centre Pompidou, Garage for Contemporary Culture, Jack Hanley Gallery, Museum of Contemporary Art Detroit, Detroit Institute of Arts, Insel Hombroich, Matéria Gallery, Galerie Camille, amongst others. She has recently performed in several Detroit Opera productions directed by Yuval Sharon, and internationally has performed with Maria Hassabi and Walter Dundervill. She continues to be influenced by her work as a founding member of the performance collective Modern Garage Movement (2005-2011, 2021). Bell earned her PhD in Performance Studies from New York University and is an Associate Professor of Dance at Wayne State University. Of her dancing the New York Times writes: “It’s invigorating to watch someone who borders on wild.”

OPEN CALL // Artistic Research Through Slippery Time(s)

SCHULE@Im_flieger 2025 with Elizabeth Ward // Performativity and the openings, gaps, and crannies to be found through performance practices

17 March – 7 December 2025
Deadline: 1 October 2024

SCHULE@Im_flieger 2025

Artistic Research Through Slippery Time(s)
Performativity and the openings, gaps, and crannies to be found through performance practices

17 March – 7 December 2025

Click here for the OPEN CALL (Deadline: 1 October 2025)