
Lens Kühleitner (AT)

is a musician and performer working with sound, video and movement. Works are created in spontaneity and growing choirs. As Lan Rex, they have released two EPs (Tender Matter), a commissioned work by Hyperreality Festival and concerts at Popfest Vienna, ImPulsTanz Festival and brut Wien, among others. Recent works include performances with Claire Lefévre (YUP Osnabrück), Veza Fernández (STERRRN Festival), Shabnam Chamani/Lisa U. Tschanz (TdK Zurich), Sunggu Hong/Soyoung Park (Kultursommer), Negin Rezaie (WIENWOCHE) as well as sound design and music for Olivia Hild (WUK Vienna), Lau Lukkarila/Luca Bonamore (ImPulsTanz Festival) and Mzamo Nondlwana (brut Vienna). Lens is part of the coordination team of Pink Noise and was part of PARASOL Dance Company of Tanzquartier Wien in 2023.