10. & 11.6.2023 // 10.00 – 16.30

Foto: Riina Hannuksela
in the context of SCHULE@Im_flieger 2023
The Practice of Practise: Teaching as Artistic Research.
performative art, dance and somatics
10. & 11.6.2023 // 10.00 – 16.30
Bräuhausgasse 40, 1050 Vienna // in English language // fee: at your own disposal between € 50,- und 100,- // Max. 5 places
Registration: imflieger@gmail.com
further open workshops:
22. & 23. April 2023 // 10.00 – 16.30
Biotensegrity: Anatomy for the 21st Century // Malcolm Manning (UK/AT)
20. & 21. May 2023 // 10.00 – 16.30
Extended Minds // Malcolm Manning (UK/AT)
2. & 3. September 2023 // 10.00 – 16.30
Radical Calmness Practice // Malcolm Manning (UK/AT)
30. September & 1. October 2023 // 10.00 – 16.30
Sentient Ecologies // Auxiliadora Gálvez (ES)
Dancing outside the box (open workshop) // Pia Lindy (FI)
What happens to our moving, thinking and choice making when working as artists in different contexts and environments?
Exploring, sharing and reflecting on experiences, ideas and questions on process-oriented artistic practices and potentialities of dance, movement and improvisation in everyday life and society.
Pia is known for her multi-stranded, durational works that interweaves the worlds of contemporary dance and wider society.
In this workshop she will introduce and review some of her projects, sharing her thinking/moving processes and organisational strategies that shaped them.
She will also share some of the physical practices that she has developed for both working inside and beyond the walls of the dance studio.
Photos: Anita Kaya
Pia Lindy (FI) performer/dancer/writer, has produced various solo pieces & projects and worked in collaboration with artists of different fields in Finland and other countries as well being a member of several committees organizing festivals and events. Pia Lindy graduated from Amsterdam’s School for New Dance Development in 1995 and since then has worked on solo/group works and collaborative projects with different artists, professionals and other people both in Finland and abroad. Pia´s working, facilitating and performance practices are based on improvisation, experiential- and process-oriented approaches, and happen in many different environments and contexts. The work draws also from sociological and societal thinking, and from a longtime engagement with somatic movement practices. In the latest projects the focus has been on experiences, the moving dialogues, and the exchange of mixing of skills and knowledges between people of different ages and backgrounds. Pia has worked in the long-lasting collaborations and projects: Joku kohta tanssii – About to Dance 2001-2010, Joku kohta tanssii, välittämisestä -About to Dance, about Care 2011-2016, Vaelluksia Lähiöissä – Tracing Suburbia 2017-2022 among others. A strong emphasis has been on process-centered working and on exploring with possibilities to share work and practices on different stages of the processes. Pia has written articles on dance and movement in the surrounding society and how contemporary dance and movement artists based in Finland are working in different environments and contexts. Pia has been a member of Zodiak the Center for New Dance´s artistic team with the artistic director on the programming performances in 2016-2019 and she has been a founding member of the Sidestep and Lonely in the Rain? festivals and also a member of other artistic boards and committees. Pia has been a visiting teacher in the course on Dance and Somatics at the Easter Finland´s Sports Institute during years 2007-2019, in the Live Art and Performance-programme in Kankaanpää Art School 2014-2021, and on applying dance/ Social Choreography in Uniarts Helsinki, Theatre Academy 2011-2022 among others. www.pialindy.weebly.com