Wed 29.6. & Fri 1.7.2022 // 18.00

Foto: Franzi Kreis
Wed 29.6. & Fri 1.7.2022 // 18.00
Bräuhausgasse 40, 1050 Vienna // pay as you wish
Presentation and guiding of a participatory score in public space.
supported by

The research in public space, which began in the summer of 2021, will continue in 2022. The current Corona pandemic has, among other things, changed and sensitized the perception of public space. The project Diverting the Public Space aims to accompany this transformation in a performative exploratory and supportive way. In Vienna, the Im_flieger runway serves as the starting point for the research.
Through a spectrum of shared physical practices in public space, Diverting the Public Space aims to explore new modes of action and perception, leading to a self-empowerment of the participants and an invitation to dialogue and engagement with passers-by.og und zur Auseinandersetzung mit Passant*innen führen sollen. Together, old patterns of movement in public space will be questioned and a new playful yet critical physicality will be explored. The developed and guided partitions / scores shall give the possibility to deeply inscribe into the public space in a different way and to practice and experience a choreographic perception. The space, transformed into a multifaceted adventure playground (for young and old), is intended to open utopian windows of possibility for a different “merging” with our human-made, urban environment and the questioning of its norms.
David Kummer (DE) ist Tänzer, Choreograf, Shiatsu-Praktiker und -Lehrer und lebt in Berlin. Seine tänzerischen Arbeiten sind getrieben von einem tiefen Interesse an mehrdimensionalen Improvisationen und Partituren für Situationen und besondere Räume und Orte. Er hat mit Künstlern wie Deufert und Plischke, Stella Geppert, Sabine Zahn und anderen zusammengearbeitet. Er ist Tanzlehrer bei Tanzzeit e.V. Berlin und war Teil des explore dance network. David hat eine Soloarbeit im Kunstbunker Nürnberg geschaffen und in verschiedenen kollektiven Konstellationen gearbeitet.
Guus Diepenmaat (NL/BE) is a Brussels based performer, director, visual artist and poet. She studied Arts, Culture and Media at the University in Groningen (NL) and decided to move to Brussels where she graduated at RITCS in 2016 as a director. She is inspired by Marthaler, Bambie, Jetse Batelaan, Boogaerdt/VanderSchoot. Her graduation performance HOHOHOHO won The Special Mention Prize in Warsaw, Poland. As a visual artist she is building an incredibly soft and tactile installation about gender fluidity that goes by the name The Fluid Bubble. She makes works inspired by Pornmagazins from the sixties and has been invited to talk about them at the Porn Film Festival in Vienna in 2020. She received grants and scholarships from Brussels City, Vlaamse Gemeenschapscommissie, Vlaanderen Departement Cultuur. Her latest theatre performance What The God (2021) is currently touring in Belgium.
Kilian Jörg (AT) works both artistically and philosophically on the topic of ecological catastrophe and how its transformative forces can best be imagined and deployed. Previous publications have been on club culture, the political backlash from an ecological perspective, cultivating distance in catastrophic times and a speculative religion of waste. His current research topics are the car as a metaphor for our toxic entanglements with modern lifestyles (released in book form as “Das Auto und die ökologische Katastrophe” in September 2024), the socio-psychological effects of living with ecocide and radical activist strategies of reclaiming land like the ZAD in France. He is working with the Futurama.Lab at the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna and is affiliated to the SFB Affective Societies at the FU Berlin. &