jeden Montag, 31.1. bis 28.2.
sowie 14., 21. & 28.3.2022 // 09.00 – 10.30
// advanced level

Foto: Triny Reinoso
jeden Montag, 31.1. bis 28.2.
sowie 14., 21. & 28.3.2022 // 09.00 – 10.30
Bäuhausgasse 40/Souterrain, 1050 Wien
advanced level // pay as you wish/can
Unterrichtssprache: Englisch
Die aktuellen Covid-19 Regeln werden angewendet (3G+PCR)
Laura is currently in the process of researching on an open field of interest that has to do with how proprioceptive experience, its somatic language, and its appropriation and deployment toward otherness and space action, both in the moving body and in the philosophical issues it generates, can be a ground for rethinking, unbalancing, or interrelating a situated perspective, both in the creative processes in dance, or in the learning processes. One of the central questions of the research would be: Is proprioception the meaning that unfolds the ways of doing micropolitics or politics from the situated?
Understanding that from here, key issues arise such as: relationship, boundary-overflow, individuation, emboding, situated politics, gravity, suspension, system, systemic thinking, kinship, liminal pedagogy, and so on.
Laura proposes an active professional training to work from intuition and improvisation to formal issues and to look at the form as an opportunity to concretize sensations, imaginary, presence, and consciousness.
Always with the kindness, rigor and the pleasure that the movement offers us.
Laura Vilar (ES/AT) ist Tänzerin, Choreografin, Lehrerin und Forscherin und lebt in Wien und Barcelona. Sie promovierte an der Philosophischen Fakultät der Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona mit einer künstlerischen Forschung über Tanz(e). Sie ist Co-Leiterin von nunArt – künstlerisches Forschungszentrum in Barcelona. Sie ist Lehrerin an der tanzpädagogischen Abteilung des Institut del Teatre of Barcelona. Von 2017 bis 2021 war sie Leiterin des Professional Training an der Tanzschule Area Barcelona. Sie hat national und international an verschiedenen Kunstzentren unterrichtet, wie z.B.: Bad Lemond’s profi training München, CODARTS Rotterdam, Saineb dance co Istanbul, Linz Anton Bruckner Universität, in Spanien: Cobosmika seeds, nunArt Barcelona, Area, Varium, La Caldera; Back Pulver feedback training Wien, Im_flieger Wien, u.a. Sie hat in verschiedenen Kompanien getanzt wie: Compagnie Taffanel in Montpellier (2003-2010), Cobosmika company / Russell Maliphant (2006-2013) auf internationaler Tournee, Hermanas de Castro, Trànsit (2000-2001), La Inconnexa 2002-2003, Lanònima Imperial (2004), Comediants, Salvatge cor (2006-2008) oder Dance Theatre of Ireland (2010), u. a. Ihre neuesten Arbeiten als Choreografin: Tentativas de (des)aparición (2022), #quéhayenelmundo (2021), Voyager (2019-2020), Sanjiao (2017).
Laura Vilar (ES), dancer, choreographer, teacher, and researcher, at the present doing a PhD program in dance philosophy, at Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona (UAB). Member of the teaching team of the Degree in Philosophy of the UAB and in MURAD master EINA-UAB.
She is co-directing nunArt, an artistic research center for performing arts in Barcelona.
She is teaching different subjects at the Institut del Teatre in Barcelona. She is director of the Professional Training at Area school´s dance since 2017.
Laura has taught nationally and internationally at several art´s centers such as: CODARTS Rotterdam, Saineb dance co Istanbul, Anton Bruckner University Linz, and nunArt, Area, Varium, La Caldera in Spain.
As a dancer she was active in several companies, like Compagnie Taffanel based in Montpellier (2003-2010); Cobosmika company (2006-2013), with whom she worked internationally with the company of Russell Maliphant; Hermanas de Castro Trànsit by Maria Rovira (2000-2001); La Inconnexa by Anna Sanchez (2002-2003); Lanònima Imperial dirigida por Juan Carlos García (2004); Comediants, by Joan Font; Salvatge cor, compañía de teatro-danza, project Jo i la dona despullada i Salvatge cor, text Albert Roig (2006-2008); Dance Theatre of Ireland, by Robert Connor and Loretta Yurick, Production Handle with care (2010).
As a choreographer Laura realized numerious works, recently she is working on Tentativas de (DES) Aparición _ performance entre_sobre_desde una tesisi doctoral( between_over_from a doctoral thesis), The season 2021-2022 she is artist-in-residence at Im_flieger Artist Initiative, Vienna.,