Sun 12., 19. & 26.11.2023 // 15.00–17.00

Image: Francesca Woodman
Sun 12., 19. & 26.11.2023 // 15.00–17.00
Bräuhausgasse 40, 1050 Vienna
lab series // for free // in English language // open level // recommendation to attend all 3 dates
Registrations to Fiona Hanley:
“If I feel physically as if the top of my head were taken off, I know that is poetry”
— Emily Dickinson
What if a poem is a portal entered through the body? A place we go, not a thing to analyse, or know? What if a poem begins in primary wonder — the gasp of breath, the “Oh” of encounter, felt in the fibres of our soma; the tingling timbre of our skin. The invitation in this series of three labs is to explore poetry from a somatic and heart-centred perspective. We will experiment with receiving the echo of a poem in our bodies and how this resonance of feeling might translate into movement. What of the gesture of a poem remains? How does it live on, change? We will also seek to create our own poetry from an awakened somatic state, using our bodies as inquiring instruments of voice, movement, rhythm, imagination, attention. The invitation is to reclaim poetry as a state of being.
Fiona Hanley (IE) is a writer originally from Ireland. She is currently exploring connections between somatics and poetry; movement and writing. She is interested in a perspective that attempts to write-with the more-than-human-world. Recent work of hers canbe found in The Interpreter’s House, Howl: New Irish Writing, The Storms, Fearless, and Cassandra Voices. She holds a PhD in Cultural Studies from the University of Edinburgh and teaches writing in various contexts.