Fr 16.9.2022 // 16.00 CANCELLED due to the weather

Photo: Johanna Nielson
Fr 16.9.2022 // 16.00CANCELLED due to the weather
Bäuhausgasse 40, 1050 Vienna // pay as you wish/can
hosted by johanna nielson & agnes schneidewind
with sounds by marina poleukhina
park(ing) day invites to a common table on the runway, served with poems and cooked with the dreamed. bring read hear, sentences from the other side of consciousness. served with tea. (because reading poems is good for the environment)
Agnes Schneidewind (AT) works from dream and somatic practices as well as craniosacral therapy with dance, text and visual media. She questions drawing and writing as performative instruments, seeks (collective) work processes, bodies and the unconscious as poetic (and responding) landscapes. She co-creates experimental formats and performances, including “eleven. each print in the mud fills with honey”(2021) and “through which they have wandered” (2022), co-produced with brut Wien.
Johanna Nielson (AT) is (also) a dance and performance artist, who lives and works in Vienna. Her artistic practice involves dance, voice and improvisation with a focus on phenomena of the sensual and sense-able. In collaboration with Agnes Schneidewind she made a series of performative experiments (AH I SEE) dealing with mechanisms of translation and perception. Johanna explores the interplay of (experimental) music and dance with such artists as Tobias Leibetseder, Marina Poleukhina and Stefan Voglsinger. She performed with luxflux, Arne Mannott, Alexander Chernishkov/Error Theater, Evandro Pedroni, Oleg Soulimenko, and many more.