Park(ing) Day 2024: Vienna loves small cars // ARGE Schwarz (AT)

Fri 20.9.2024 // 13.00–18.00

Photo: ARGE Schwarz

Fri 20.9.2024 // 13.00–18.00

Bräuhausgasse 40, 1050 Vienna // free entrance // coffee & cake

Concept and realisation: Christoph ARGE Schwarz

Join us and bring your beloved Matchbox car to Bräuhausgasse 40 from 13-18h.

We look forward to seeing you there!

For the international Park(ing)Day, the Im_flieger Künstler:innen_Initiative has invited the artist Christoph Schwarz to present his Cabriobeet, selected video works and a new work in the parking lots in front of Bräuhausgasse 40. We also invite the neighbourhood to join us for coffee and cake on the Im_flieger LANDEBAHN.

The Cabriobeet is a roadworthy car equipped with a resident’s parking sticker, in which Christoph Schwarz grows herbs in the parking lane together with the neighbourhood on Alsergrund – as a symbol of the privileges of motorised private transport.

Good news for climate justice! From September 2024, a reduction in the number of toy cars in the city can be included in the city’s climate roadmap. ARGE Schwarz will become a service partner of the city on international Parking Day and will organize the return of toy cars to a specially designated parking lot at Bräuhausgasse 40. Together we can ensure that Vienna remains self-proclaimed model climate city.

Join us and bring your beloved Matchbox car to Bräuhausgasse 40 from 1-6pm.

We look forward to seeing you there!

The Im_flieger LANDEBAHN is a process-orientated open space, the white podium functions as an experimental field for performative interventions and as a meeting place in the neighbourhood.

Afterward: Rage // Daphna Horenczyk (IL/AT) 20.9.24 // 19:30, Performance

Christoph Schwarz (AT) * 1981 in Vienna, where he lives and sometimes works. Studied Visual Media Design at the University of Applied Arts Vienna. Autofictive experimental arrangements as content, self-fulfilling prophecies as method, the cinema as ideal reception space. Christoph Schwarz deals with problems of media reality in a humorous way. As part of the Viennese climate activism scene, he propagates a necessary ecological transformation in his projects – a topic that is also the subject of his first cinema film ‘Sparschwein’.